01932 221 209

Our services

We specialise in external wall insulation and offer all aspects of wall care including rendering, damp proofing, plastering and decorating. We also provide energy efficient windows and doors, new boilers and loft insulation.  We adhere to strict industry standards and are award winners in our field. 

Home insulation

The most advanced, most effective solution to insulate homes built with no cavity walls. Pioneer’s layered system acts as a shield for your property. It helps stop heat from escaping, protects your walls from the elements and gives a smart new finish.

Loft insulation is one of the cheapest ways to cut your heating bills and warm your house up. We use high quality mineral wool and ensure your loft is adequately ventilated to avoid condensation. A professional service, BBA accredited.

Internal wall insulation is ideal if you want to maintain the current appearance of your property, but want to cut your heating bills and warm up your home. It can be done room by room and is especially popular for flats and maisonettes.

Warm air rises and insulating your ceiling is an efficient way of preventing heat loss. It is ideal for extensions and top floor rooms and is also highly effective in basements and integrated garages.

Suitable when more extensive roof works are required, this is another highly effective method to insulate the ceilings of properties or extensions with flat roofs.

If your loft conversion feels too cold in winter and too hot in summer, chances are it would benefit from upgrading its insulation. We use thermal imaging to ensure we address all key areas.

The older your extension, the more likely it is to feel cold, draughty or damp. Our specialist insulation system can make it as cosy as the rest of your home.

Our specialist insulation systems can stop heat escaping from the adjoining habitable rooms through the walls and ceiling of an integrated garage.

Up to 15% of your home’s heat can be lost through uninsulated floors. Ground level floors should always be insulated where possible.

One-stop-shop wall care

Give your home a contemporary look with our anti-crack, breathable, low maintenance silicone render solutions.

Bricks require regular maintenance, as they are continuously exposed to the elements. We offer cleaning, repointing, spot repairs, as well as sealing using our proprietary breathable clear emulsion.

Insulating solid walls remains our core specialist area. Our experienced team can help you choose between Internal and External Wall Insulation.

Damp is rarely caused by one thing alone. There are usually a number of issues that compound one another. We use thermal imaging and damp meters to identify the sources. We tackle them, one at a time, and we stop the damp. Full stop.

We carry out general plastering work that includes straightening walls and skimming walls and ceilings. Alternatively, we can fit plasterboards and skim, depending on your requirements.

Our decorators paint walls, ceilings and woodwork, using top quality products for a professional finish. Before we start we will ensure that your furniture, floors and furnishings are kept thoroughly protected for the duration of the work.

Beautiful homes

Does your home look dated, with old, unsightly cladding and cold rooms? We can replace the cladding with highly effective insulation and finish it off with modern silicone render, for a sleek, contemporary look.

More home services

Developed to complement our insulation systems and managed as one project for better overall results

Our brand new energy efficient boilers come with a seven year guarantee, which can be extended to up to ten years.

Short lead times, straight from the manufacturer, fitted by experts. Wide range available.

Brighter light, better longevity, lower running costs. Allows for more effective insulation of lofts.

Good ventilation helps reduce damp and maintain indoor air quality. Integrated in the design of our external wall insulation systems.

Overhaul your gutters and pipes to ensure they are fit for purpose. Blocked, perforated or misaligned fittings can cause damp and water damage.

Winter proof your home with a customised package that considers your damp, insulation, heating and ventilation priorities.

We offer affordable sound insulation that reduces domestic noise pollution.

Get a free estimate

Contact us for free and expert advice on how to transform your home.
Grants available if your Council Tax band is A to D.
More grants available if receiving eligible benefits

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